Friday, August 29, 2008

In Simple Words, A No Fax No Teletrack Payday Loan Is A Small Amount Of Money( Ranging From$ 100- $1500) Borrowed Against Your Subsequent Paycheck

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

If you are thinking of availing a quick online no teletrack or telecheck payday loan, then you might want to do a bit of homework before you sign up with any such lending institution, because knowing the facts right can help you save a considerable amount of money. In simple words, a no fax no teletrack payday loan is a small amount of money( ranging from$ 100- $1500) borrowed against your subsequent paycheck.

So What Exactly Are These Loans? This means that these quick money advances are short- term only, generally taken for 1- 4 weeks, although they can be extended for a maximum period of 2 months. An exceptionally high rate of interest is applicable on a no telecheck no teletrack payday loan, because of the high risk factor involved for lenders and also due to the fast and hassle- free nature of these lending services. The maximum amount that you can borrow at a time depends upon your monthly income and repayment capacity. For every$ 100 you borrow, you are required to pay a weekly interest of$ 8- $15 on it. Who Can Take Such Loans?

This makes them highly impractical to use for longer terms and for non- emergency needs! Any American citizen who is over the age of 18, has an active checking account and is employed in a regular job that pays him at least$ 1000 every month, can take a no telecheck or teletrack payday loan, even if he has a bad credit record. For that very reason, you dont have to place any collateral against such loans either! As a matter of fact, your credit history isnt checked at all when you apply for such cash advances against your salary, because they are secured against your next paycheck! State Jurisdiction. As such, different States in the US may have different rate structures, terms and conditions for such loans. Paycheck lending is governed by the State laws.

Some States even put a restriction on the number of paycheck loans a person might take at a given time. As of now, these instant salary advances are legally allowed only in 37 States of America. Some other States put a cap on the number of such advances taken in a year, while yet others have a cap on the maximum amount that can be borrowed in this fashion in a year. In the remaining States, they are either not permissible or are not possible under the low interest caps imposed by the corresponding State governments Before taking a no teletrack or telecheck payday loan, it is also advisable to first check whether the lending company is registered under the local BBB or not.


Money And Fun Aren T Necessarily Words That People Automatically Put Together - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

Money and fun aren t necessarily words that people automatically put together.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Then I Had To Fill It Out By Hand And Send It Fidelity Via Snail Mail

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

I decided to transfer funds from one pension plan to another.

The government s version of a 401( K) is called a TSP- Thrift Savings Program. I had a 401( K) that I converted to an IRA when I left the private sector and went to work for the government. I decided to make the transfer and went to the TSP web site. Then I had to fill it out by hand and send it Fidelity via snail mail. I was able to download the required form, so that part was electronic. About one week later, I received a letter in the postal mail from Fidelity stating they had tried to contact me by phone to resolve an issue and they were unable to contact me.

I called Fidelity and the problem was they did not know how much I wanted transferred even though I indicated" all" . This was pure BS as both my work and cell phone have voice mail. I was given an assurance that it would be taken care of. About one week goes by and I receive a letter from TSP, that they have, again snail mail received the check, but do not have the proper transfer form from Fidelity. I told them to make sure that they filled out the proper section on the form and submit it to the TSP office. Without the form, they will send the check back to Fidelity in 15 days. It doesn t make sense, but it is there system.

I once again call Fidelity and am told that the check is sent from one office and the form is sent from another. One week later, another letter from Fidelity is received stating that the form has been sent. I am told it could take 7 to 10 business days for the two to find each other. I call the TSP office to find out if the check and the form have found each other and no joy. Another week passes, and I call and I am informed that the check and form are back together in a lock box. Four days later, I see the additional funds in my account.

I guess that this is a good thing and keep my fingers crossed that the money will actually be posted to my account. Hooray! Fortunately, the stock market didn t go up or down much during this period, so the value was not really affected. So, for about 3 � weeks, my funds were in limbo gaining interest for either Fidelity or the government at TSP. However, it could have been. I can transfer funds via email using PayPal for free in a couple of days. It is strange to me that I can transfer funds online from my checking to savings in a matter of seconds.

But, if I want to transfer funds from a mega- investing company like Fidelity to one of the biggest pension funds in the world, I have to do via the post office and wait almost one month for the transaction to be finalized. Electronic age, my eye!


Many People Fail To Understand The Importance Of Estate Planning - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

Many people fail to understand the importance of estate planning.

Why Would Mortgage Rates Go Higher Since The Fed Is Cutting Rates, You Ask - James Geraghty about Finance and Financial Planning:

The question on every investor s mind is: are we experiencing a mid- expansion slowdown or are we on the cusp of a recession?

So. What Is Cash Flow Planning - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

You ve heard it a million times- cash can make or break a business. In fact, many PROFITABLE businesses fail because of cash flow issues.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Here Is A Major Trading Scoop Why

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Most people have dreams. Even with those who are smart enough to define their goals fail to find out the right information from the correct trading resources today.

Some little, some big dollar serious, but most people fail to apply goals to make their own dreams a reality. You need to learn on how to arrive at and reach their goal s from one s who have already made it in life. Once you know how, the sky is the limit. In other words, you need to learn and implement the correct trading strategies. With that said, do not be a dreamer! You need to take action if you want and need serious financial trading success and to do that, you need to read the correct information.

Define your financial goals in life. If you need big money, you do need the correct information, and the correct trading education. You stand a better chance today at faster profits than ever before once you educate yourself on exactly what is causing this US Financial Crisis right now. It s that simple. You must find out exactly why the USA is in such a financial mess today and what could very well happen and most likely will happen in the near future. The banking crisis right now inside the USA is real and is a major issue why you can actually make a killing profit wise inside the US markets today. Here is a major trading scoop why.

You must also learn exactly how you can take advantage of the up and coming Stock Market crash to pocket millions more. The correct trading education is king and all you need to do is educate yourself more about why the USA today is in such a major crisis financially today. Think it will not happen fairly soon? What you might not know is that billions of US dollars are leaving our US bond market monthly. Trust me, it is coming and the way it looks now, it is unstoppable. How many mega- billions leaving do you think it will take to crash our markets again?

What most stock and commodity traders need to learn how to do is to explode their wealth by trading smarter on major events like this current US financial crisis. It also means learning how to pull the most profits out of any trade you decide to enter into after you learn what, when and why, where these serious billions of dollars is leaving the US markets today. That means learning key secrets that go on in the marketplace. It is sad, but most people believe every word they hear on Fox News, CNN and others. The real problem is, you will never learn any real future secrets by watching theses news shows. What you do not know is that some of these so called expert advisors are paid to pitch certain multi- billion dollar concerns unbeknown to most viewers.

The plain facts are that their news is always" after the news event happen" , not before. You as an individual are the only one in charge of your life and your mind is an amazing thing. Therefore, nine times out of ten you are just too late to make huge profits on" after the fact" news. Only you can make a difference in your life and if you are open to new ideas, you do have an excellent chance of success with the correct trading education and information. First and foremost, write it down. Look, here is a simple two step advice that I can give you today if you desire to better your own life and to make a specific dollar goal in your life. Only then do you do have a better chance that most others stuck in a financial rut to make a better life for yourself. 2nd.

Here is your daily statement: "I know that I have the power within me to get educated correctly to learn about The US financial crisis of today and to be smarter than a lot of other traders that I might know today. " Therefore, my financial wealth goal is to generate$ ___________________by the end of_ _________. Your goals need to be defined so fill in the blank yourself of this one statement below and then find a way to implement a strategy in life to attain that goal. Repeat this every day until you do reach your own goal and yes, goals can change in mid- stream.


The Path To Financial Doesn T Have To Be As Complicated As We Tend To Make It - Finance and Financial Planning Blog:

There will be many terms you will come across during your research that will be somewhat confusing until you get the terminology down. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to seek the guidance and advice of a professional financial planner.

Parents Generally Face Challenges When It Comes To Estate Planning Needs For Their Special Children - Michele Strandberg about Finance and Financial Planning:

Parents generally face challenges when it comes to estate planning needs for their special children.

Federal Loans Are In Great Demand In The US - Finance and Financial Planning:

No student in modern times is unaware of the benefit of student loan consolidation.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Finding The Right Debt Consolidation Lender

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Having so much debt that you don t know when you will ever be debt- free can be extremely frustrating and stressful. If you are struggling with your current financial situation then you may have heard that a debt consolidation loan could be the answer to your problems but how do you ensure that you don t fall prey to getting yourself into even more debt?

Unfortunately as the opportunities to get into debt are increasing in the UK, so is the amount of people who are in uncontrollable debt. The answer may lie in making sure that you use the right debt consolidation lender. So how can you tell the reputable debt consolidation lenders from the not- so- reputable? Many debt consolidation lenders are specialist companies, which may mean that you haven t heard of them. Finding the Right Debt Consolidation Lender. Bear in mind that getting a not- so- reputable lender could be disastrous to your debt- free future.

Finding the right debt consolidation lender can be difficult but it is important that you spend some time researching where to go for the best advice to ensure that you make the right decision according to your circumstances. The best way to find a good lender is to use the services provided by a mortgage broker. Those with experience will know the majority of products in the market and will already have a relationship with the provider. Whilst not all mortgage brokers have the necessary expertise in the debt consolidation market, many do and so it s worth talking to some of your local brokers to see if they can help. This means that they can tell you which lenders to avoid and which have a debt consolidation product which will work for you. Alternatively you can look for a mortgage broker specialising in the advice pertaining to debt consolidation loans.

Getting Debt Consolidation Advice from the Specialists. A specialist company is always more likely to be able to evaluate your situation and address it accordingly. By using a specialist mortgage broker rather than speaking to the lenders directly you may feel more confident in asking questions about anything you are unsure on. They will have the best contact to the specialist lenders and be able to find the right deal for you. Some of the best things to check that you understand include the interest rate charged on the debt consolidation loan and any penalties you may incur. It could set you on the right course to the debt- free future that you have been dreaming about.

Using a broker to approach a debt consolidation lender could help to get you out of your mounting debt problems far quicker than you might have originally imagined.


Not Having Savings Often Leads To Debt Spending - Casey Colston's Finance and Financial Planning blog:

Saving Money is the key to financial freedom. Inside many people simply feel that life is for living now, not for sometime never in the future and anyway they already contribute to a 401k.

You Will Receive A Credit Card Plan That Has The Lowest Interest Rate They Offer - Stacie Siddens about Finance and Financial Planning:

As you probably know, credit cards are some of the most valuable tools in our modern world.

Many Consider Retirement Is Almost The End Of Their Lives - Finance and Financial Planning:

Many consider retirement is almost the end of their lives. However this is simply not true.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

But Is There A Time When A Reverse Mortgage Is NOT Right

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

I have seen a lot of good that Reverse Mortgages have done for senior borrowers.

I ve seen people come out of foreclosure with a reverse mortgage and never have to make another mortgage payment. I ve seen them change lives and living situations for the better. But is there a time when a reverse mortgage is NOT right? There are a few examples I can think of off the top of my head for which I would advise a senior borrower not to get a reverse mortgage. Honestly, yes. Reverse mortgages are not inexpensive, if you did not intend to occupy the property much longer, you thought you, that is would move soon, I would advise against a reverse mortgage unless it was the only alternative you had to keep your home out of foreclosure in the mean time. In this instance, I see them wishing to quit claim the younger spouse off title to obtain the reverse mortgage.

Some married couples have one borrower old enough to take advantage of a reverse mortgage but the other spouse is too young. I don t recommend this unless the older spouse is adequately insured so that if the older spouse passes, the mortgage can be paid in full. In this case, if the younger spouse did not have adequate funds from another source to pay the mortgage in full, he/ she would be forced to sell the home and would be displaced. If not, the loan would be due and payable, and even if the younger spouse was now old enough to qualify for a reverse mortgage, chances are pretty good that he/ she would not be eligible for a high enough loan amount to cover the old balance left by the reverse mortgage from the passing older spouse that has accumulated interest. I do not recommend a reverse mortgage to those whose health is so bad that they know there will not be at least one borrower able to stay in the home anyway( once all borrowers on the original loan are out of the home for a period of 12 months, which includes nursing homes, the mortgage becomes due and payable) . Reverse mortgages require that the borrowers still pay all the taxes, insurance and maintain the property in reasonably good condition.

There is no income qualification for a reverse mortgage, if you know, however that even with the relief you gain from a reverse mortgage you cannot afford the taxes, insurance and upkeep on your property, then I would suggest you look at other alternatives. If your monetary needs are temporary, then the costs of a reverse mortgage may not make it the best option. It could be that the person trying to convince you is looking out for your best interests and wants to see you more comfortable or prepared for future events, or it could be that they have other motives and you need to really look at your circumstances and determine whether a reverse mortgage is right for you. Finally, if you don t really even need a reverse mortgage and someone is trying to talk you into one, then talk to your trusted family members or financial advisor.


A Health Care Power Of Attorney Is Activated By Your Incompetence - Stacie Siddens about Finance and Financial Planning:

Living wills have received a great deal of attention due to the recent Terry Schiavo situation. By having a proper Living Will, you can avoid such confusion.

The Way In Which Asset Allocation Dovetails With Ancient Wisdom Is That It Turns Our Focus Inward Rather Than Outward - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

Advances in investment theory have dovetailed nicely with ancient wisdom to present investors with a new and exciting paradigm for investing. Markowitz.

Diversification For The Business Owner While Maintaining Control - Finance and Financial Planning Blog:

This article is focused on helping business owners and their advisors understand Employee Stock Ownership Plans( ESOPs) and how they can assist in developing effective Exit Strategies from a business.

Friday, August 22, 2008

What Is Phased Retirement

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

The western world is going to experience a major impact from 2010 and onwards and it s an impact that s been predicted for sometime. We re talking about the mass exodus expected from the workforce by our baby boomer generation who number about 80 million just in the United States.

Strange thing is, there doesn t seem to be much going on to avoid it. They also make up about one third of the work population which is a little frightening when one considers the consequences. It s not just an aging population, it s also an aging work force and the question needs to be asked. "Can industry afford to lose such a highly skilled generation in mass proportions? The Aging Work Force. The short answer is no, yet retirement planning is one of the main issues when people get close to the golden age of hanging up the work boots. Is there the same skill set to replace them? What would happen if one third of the work force phased out over several years?

Industry To Suffer From Mass Exodus. It s the expertise factor which is going to hurt many industries. Industries such as teaching and nursing are expected to suffer through loss of expertise. There is good news on the horizon though. Planning for retirement should sensibly start at a very young age, preferably in a person s twenties yet sadly, many haven t started building a nest egg until they hit their forties. Good news if you plan to keep working after hitting retirement age. The topic of phased retirement has started to become more and more widely discussed and while we may not see it come to fore until baby boomers decide to call it quits, phased retirement is already being tried in some industries.

In a nutshell, it s simply an option for people who want to keep working but don t want the long hours associated with it. What Is Phased Retirement? In other words, it s a reduced and more flexible work schedule. The retiree gets to keep earning income while the employer retains a lot of the expertise they worked so hard to establish over a number of years. It really is a win- win situation. Studies during 2007 have indicated people who suddenly retire without any significant purpose in their lives, find it tough going and having purpose is what makes this option very attractive. There are still some issues which need to be ironed out but when one talks of" buzz words, " it s quite likely that phased retirement will dominate discussions very soon.


The Trust Would Then Sell The Property To The Real Estate Developer - Monique Lansford about Finance and Financial Planning:

Charitable remainder trusts can increase your income, avoid capital gains taxes, lower or eliminate estate taxes, serve as another type of retirement plan, serve humanity and put a warm feeling in your heart. In the Path of Progress.

So. What Is Cash Flow Planning - Finance and Financial Planning Blog:

You ve heard it a million times- cash can make or break a business. In fact, many PROFITABLE businesses fail because of cash flow issues.

The Path To Financial Doesn T Have To Be As Complicated As We Tend To Make It - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

There will be many terms you will come across during your research that will be somewhat confusing until you get the terminology down. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to seek the guidance and advice of a professional financial planner.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

You Will Be In A Lower Tax Bracket When You Retire

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

We have planned our retirements pretty much the same way for the last 30 years but maybe it is time to design a new paradigm for the future. The dictionary defines a paradigm as a set of assumptions, values, concepts, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline.

What do we mean by the word paradigm? In other words, a paradigm becomes our TRUTH. It is our way of viewing reality and everything that agrees with it we take as true and everything that contradicts it, is rejected as, in our mind false. We accept it as fact until we believe it otherwise. Sometimes we learn that our paradigms themselves are false( think of the discovery that the world was round) and we then have to create new paradigms and fit the new facts within them. Because we are reasonable beings, we can take new information and adapt it to new circumstances allowing us to create, evolve and progress.

It is lucky for us that we can do this, because if we were unable to make these adjustments we would have a hard time with change. So, what is the set of assumptions we have been planning with up to now? You will be in a lower tax bracket when you retire. There are two basic assumptions that I see are in need of immediate evaluation: Saving money in a tax- deferred environment is prudent planning. Let s deal with the second assumption first as I feel it is what has been driving the first assumption for a long time. Without fail 100% of those responding agree that taxes will be higher in the future. In every seminar I give I ask the participants if they think taxes will be lower, the same or higher in the future.

Now there are many reasons why we believe this is so but let me enumerate just a few: People over age 65 will nearly double in the next 30 years( from 12% today to 14% in 2030) Our governmental debt( $7 Trillion) and trade balance of payments( $617 Billion) do not favor lower taxes. Kautlikoff, Professor of Economics at Boston University and author of the book" The Coming Generational Storm" , has done the accounting, looking out several generations, and he concludes that" After calculating the immediate and permanent federal personal and corporate income tax hike needed to achieve generational balance. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are headed for huge deficits( up to$ 70 trillion by some estimates) We have fewer deductions once we retire( no children and low or no mortgage interest write off) Laurence J. The requisite tax hike is a whopping 69 percent! " There are plenty of other authors out there saying the same thing which leads me to agree with my seminar attendees, that income taxes are going to be higher in the future. First, we need to look at what deferred growth provides us. Assuming you are still with me and that you agree with the forgoing assumption( if your paradigm allows it) , we need to examine the thinking behind assumption number one, that saving money in a tax- deferred environment is prudent. One of the reasons financial planners have been preaching deferred growth for so long is that you can accumulate more real dollars in a tax deferred environment than you can in a taxable environment.

However, all you have done is to defer those taxes to a day when you thought you were going to be in a lower tax bracket, thereby allowing you a larger income in retirement. If your money isn t being chipped away at with taxes every year, you can indeed end up with more dollars in your retirement account. Are you starting to see where I am going here? If we are in fact going to be in a higher tax bracket in retirement, we will end up with less real dollars in our pockets and Uncle Sam will end up with more in his. What we have unwittingly done is create a retirement plan for Uncle Sam, not for us. Let me give you an example that makes this real: Assume you are in a 33% tax bracket and that you have saved$ 4, 000 per year for 30 years in a tax- deductible account( a total of$ 120, 000) . Over those 30 years you would have saved$ 1, 320 per year in taxes or a total savings of$ 39, 60Now assuming you stay in the same tax bracket in retirement( although it could be a higher one) and you take out 6% of you retirement account each year, you will have an income of$ 30, 000 on which you pay 33% in taxes( $9, 900) to net$ 20, 100 in spendable income.

If your account grew at 8% per year your account would be worth about$ 500, 000 at the end of the 30th year. If you look, you can see that it would take only 4 years in retirement for you to exhaust 30 years of tax savings( $39, 600/ $9, 900= 4) . On top of that, if you need$ 30, 000 to live comfortably in retirement you will need to take out$ 45, 000 each year in order to net the$ 30, 000 you need to live on. For every year after four in retirement you are creating Uncle Sam s retirement plan. You had better be earning at least 9% in your portfolio or you will run out of money before you run out of life. We were convinced that deferring the taxes was a smart move.

Have we been duped? What if we were farmers and the government came to us and said, "You have a choice. We understand that tax- free beats tax deferred all day long. You can choose to pay tax on your seed or your harvest, which do you want? " We would most certainly say, "We will pay tax on the seed" . In the example above, we will have increased our retirement income by 50% if we are able to access and spend the full 6% of our saved dollars without being taxed on it. We can do that, although the number of instruments is narrow, if we start adopting this new paradigm. Wouldn t it make more sense to create a tax- free retirement plan, or at least try to cut some of Uncle Sam s take?

Here are some of the things you can do right now: Change your 401k contributions so that you are only capturing the company match. Fully fund a Roth IRA if you are eligible. No reason to create a larger taxable harvest than necessary. Fund an investment grade life insurance policy that can be accessed tax- free in retirement. If we start educating ourselves in this new way of thinking we can create a successful, long retirement and remove some of the burden on our children and grandchildren. Optimize idle assets, to fund your, like home equity tax- free vehicles.


Educator Expenses - Clare Uchida's Finance and Financial Planning blog:

How many times have you done your taxes, and a week or a month later realized you forgot a deduction? In my experience, these are the top 5 missed deductions.

Even If The Underlying Index Goes Up 10% , Your Return Will Be Lower - Yvette Foland about Finance and Financial Planning:

Equity Indexed Annuities( EIAs) have become the hot product of late. I ll discuss these alternatives in the next two articles.

The First Is A Medical Power Of Attorney - Finance and Financial Planning Blog:

Few topics confuse investors more than figuring out what estate- related documents they need.