Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Prenuptial Agreements Are Designed To Protect Both Parties In A Marriage

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Little is more thrilling than starting a new relationship. As the relationship grows and matures, thoughts of a future together begin to develop.

The raising heart, and the all, the light chest around general high of finding a new love are all feelings we have each experienced. This can then lead to the excitement of wedding planning, and house buying, family planning. But, when is the right time in a relationship to bring up the prenuptial agreement discussion? But, those looking toward marriage, and all of the joys associated with it, need to also be sure to protect themselves financially with a prenuptial agreement. Is it ever too early, or too late in a relationship to have this conversation? Of course, broaching the prenup subject shouldn t take place on the first date, and probably not even within the first few months.

And when the discussion does take place, what topics should the couple address? Neither of you should be even thinking about marriage this early in a relationship. In fact, most experts agree that a prenuptial discussion should take place before a couple ever gets engaged. As the relationship progresses, and it becomes, however exclusive and more serious, it is important to have this conversation as early as possible. In this way, the couple can be very clear with each other about where they each stand in their prenuptial beliefs. Having the prenuptial agreement discussion after becoming engaged is potentially far more awkward than having the discussion beforehand.

At this points difference in beliefs can be discussed and, worked out before, hopefully the couple decides to become engaged. After becoming engaged, having a prenuptial agreement almost seems more like an ultimatum of" Now that we are engaged, you need to agree to this before we get married. " Having the conversation before becoming engaged, is less threatening, however, as it is simply a discussion on your individual beliefs. Discovering that you can t agree on having a prenuptial agreement after you have become engaged and announced it to the whole family and to all of your friends can be devastating. Furthermore, having the prenuptial agreement before becoming engaged can help determine whether or not is possible for the relationship to move in that direction. For couples who are serious about their relationship and who feel it is ready to move to a higher level, this discussion should be one that takes places open and honestly. Obviously, a prenuptial agreement conversation is not going to be a romantic one.

When it does take place, it is important for both parties to be candid about what they want and expect from a prenuptial agreement. And, a full fledge discussion about who gets what and how doesn t need to take place at this stage of the relationship, though the subject should be touched upon. Prenuptial agreements are designed to protect both parties in a marriage. Despite its lack of romance, a discussion about prenuptial agreements is a necessity. They help protect both current and future assets. When this happens, all love is thrown out the window and it is a matter of every man for himself.

And though the couple may feel their relationship is solid and will be everlasting, hard truth is, the cold that approximately 50% of marriages end in divorce. A man or woman who has worked hard to gain an education, develop a lucrative career, or build a successful business can lose it all simply because he or she was too blinded by love to have a conversation about having a prenuptial agreement. It is a risk not worth taking and two people who truly love each other will want to be sure that they are each protected later.


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